Monday, January 26, 2009

A leaner is like...A graphic organizer!

After an analysis of the following videos, The Impact of Social Media on Learning and The Network is the Learning, by George Siemens and the article Connectivism: A Learning Theory for the Digital Age, also by Siemens, I have observed the following about connectivism and learners today. A learner is like a graphic organizer. In this analogy, the learner to compared to a way to organize thoughts and ideas before writing. Through this organization, many conclusions can be developed and distinct connections can be made. These connections can often lead to learning and an increase in knowledge in both a field of interest or more abstract topics.

The theory of connectivism encourages the use of technology to increase the knowledge and understanding of learners and people in general in today’s society. Through the use of wikis, blogs, and social networks as sources of new, more current knowledge, learners can set up unique “webs” of information to help enhance their comprehension of new theories, research, or topics. A graphic organizer is also a web of ideas that connect or separate ideas or facts; hence the connection to today’s learner.

“Computer networks, power grids, and social networks all function on the simple principle that people, groups, systems, nodes, entities can be connected to create an integrated whole. Alterations within the network have ripple effects on the whole,” (Siemens, 2005). Like a graphic organizer, once a new arrow, or section has been created, the overall knowledge of a learner or the main ideas of a graphic organizer can be altered. These alterations spread quickly to other members of these spaces and therefore can drastically affect the thoughts of a very broad community. As stated in the video, The Network is the Learning, George Siemens quotes “there is an exponential effect when adding a node to a network,” (Siemens, 2007). This exponential rate of spreading information provides learners of all ages the opportunity to continually grow within their fields; however, it is important for learners of all ages to realize how quick these changes are occurring.

In conclusion, connectivism provides an instant connection to knowledge and further knowledge in the field of study of many learners! This new technology encourages learners to stay connected and create their own method of organization to remain current. A graphic organizer is a helpful tool to organize thoughts just as a blog, wiki, or social network is a great way to organize new knowledge or opinions.


Siemens, G. (2005, January). Connectivism: A Learning Theory for the Digital Age. International Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Learning, Retrieved January 26, 2009.

The Impact of Social Media on Learning Retrieved January10, 2009.

The Network is the Learning Retrieved January 26, 2009.


  1. Amazing!!I like your analogy a lot! Great job. I also like the graphic. Learners are just like graphic organizer who organize and connect various thoughts. You describe learners in such an active way!

  2. Wow! I absolutely love your analogy. I think that you have a great handle on how people learn.

  3. Yea! it is true that we human beings organize knowledge in different frames, boxes and also connects himself with others through the use of technology.
    Good job

  4. Great idea. A graphic organizer demonstrates perfectly how one piece of information changes the whole network.

  5. I really like your explanation of the analogy you chose particulary your reference to how "alterations within the network have ripple effects on the whole.” We as educators see that all the time as new perspectives on learning, the roles of teachers and classroom management work their way through networks. One good aspect of the read/write web is that we can not just be receivers of information, but contributors to the network and cause our own "ripple effects."
    Dr. Burgos
