Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Podcast Heaven!
Samantha Brown's Tour Of Latin America: This podcast was free last summer after the series aired & included clips of her television show throughout the countries of Latin America. Since they are only clips of the show, they are perfect as "fillers" for 5-10 minutes during class. Specific scenes such as a restaurant in Argentina & a clip from the Feria de Abril in Spain are two that I have used recently. The link below sends you to the website set up with her most recent podcasts, but as I mentioned earlier, the podcasts that I reference throughout the year now cost a fee through Itunes. http://podcasts.travelchannel.com/samantha-brown/page1 It is important to check Itunes & the internet frequently for updates since free offers don't last forever!
Coffee Break Spanish (http://freelanguage.org/learn-spanish/coffee-break-spanish-podcast) is also a podcast that I have used this year. This native dialogue contains relevant grammar and when combined with listening comprehension questions it is a great tool for students to listen to native speakers. The rate of this podcast is quite fast for my Spanish 8 students, but once they listen a few times they understand. It is nice that there are so many different episodes because it is easy to find an exact grammar or vocabulary topic that is related to what we are currently studying! My finace is also using coffee break to help him brush up on his Spanish skills so he can join in when I speak Spanish!
Overall, Spanish podcasts and cultural videos are readily available on the internet for classroom use! It is important, as mentioned earlier to stay current with the available resources as sometimes they change quickly. Podcasts, both video and audio only are a great resource for any subject area at any level!
Saturday, April 4, 2009
KidLink provides ways for students to connect to curriculum on a more personal level. Through the completion of activities that combine curriculum and personal interests and ideas that the students hold, the students are encouraged to be more engaged than a simple teacher directed, textbook lesson. The activities such as find out the meaning of your name and decide your future career provide life skills while encouraging written work.
Taking it Global provides students a chance to become knowledgeable about global concerns and promote awareness of these concerns among their community. This site differs from KidLink because it enacts lessons that could be used to promote global unity instead of life skills.
These two sites could be used in my classroom during our advisement period, homeroom as well as during my Spanish classes. Providing students the opportunity to think about future life choices through KidLink & display their work with other children around the world would be an interesting activity that the students might enjoy. Taking it Global could be used in one or two different ways. First, the students could engage in a community service project during a Spanish club or Student Council activity. Another way to use this site is to promote cultural awareness of global concerns in Spanish speaking countries. Both of these sites could promote diversity and encourage the students to take interest in communities and issues around the world!
Finally, Skype could also be used as part of a Global Cooperation Project. In our Spanish classes or homeroom we could directly connect with another classroom that had posted on KidLink or to a community that might have been affected by a global issue found on Taking it Global. Although starting this partnership might be difficult, global awareness can be achieved and students both at my school and around the world.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Las Peliculas--Movies!
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Can we use technology for educational activities?: http://www.scribd.com/doc/2286799/Can-we-use-Twitter-for-educational-activities
In general, I am pleased with the accounts I have been following, but for a social network among friends and family I find Twitter a bit confusing.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
RSS Feeds & Bulletin Board's
Good lord this mod took me a while to figure it out, but once I got the hang of it, I found some great ideas!
The blog that I added & later read was Classroom Displays (http://usefulwiki.com/displays). The addition to this blog that I hope to use in my classroom was the bulletin board display called "No Said" (http://usefulwiki.com/displays/2009-01-09/no-said-high-school-bulletin-board/). This bulletin board is a creative way to encourage diverse vocabulary in the classroom. I plan to use this in my own room ASAP, but instead of said being the word that can't be used, I plan to use "bien." My students are constantly asked "como estas--how are you" & their favorite answer is "bien--good." How boring!! By putting up this bulletin board they are encouraged to use more diverse answers than just good.
I will keep you posted on the results of the bulletin board experiment ;-)
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Exploring ning.com
Professionally, I could use this group to model my own site & it encouraged me to include new things on my current wiki space!! I like the idea of the cartoons describing reflexive verbs on the left margin of the page & think I might add a similar assignment on my current class's wikispace! My students would have to find pictures of Spanish/Hispanic foods & define them "en español!
Check this page out if you are intrigued!! ¡ Es genial!
Monday, January 26, 2009
A leaner is like...A graphic organizer!
The theory of connectivism encourages the use of technology to increase the knowledge and understanding of learners and people in general in today’s society. Through the use of wikis, blogs, and social networks as sources of new, more current knowledge, learners can set up unique “webs” of information to help enhance their comprehension of new theories, research, or topics. A graphic organizer is also a web of ideas that connect or separate ideas or facts; hence the connection to today’s learner.
“Computer networks, power grids, and social networks all function on the simple principle that people, groups, systems, nodes, entities can be connected to create an integrated whole. Alterations within the network have ripple effects on the whole,” (Siemens, 2005). Like a graphic organizer, once a new arrow, or section has been created, the overall knowledge of a learner or the main ideas of a graphic organizer can be altered. These alterations spread quickly to other members of these spaces and therefore can drastically affect the thoughts of a very broad community. As stated in the video, The Network is the Learning, George Siemens quotes “there is an exponential effect when adding a node to a network,” (Siemens, 2007). This exponential rate of spreading information provides learners of all ages the opportunity to continually grow within their fields; however, it is important for learners of all ages to realize how quick these changes are occurring.
In conclusion, connectivism provides an instant connection to knowledge and further knowledge in the field of study of many learners! This new technology encourages learners to stay connected and create their own method of organization to remain current. A graphic organizer is a helpful tool to organize thoughts just as a blog, wiki, or social network is a great way to organize new knowledge or opinions.
Siemens, G. (2005, January). Connectivism: A Learning Theory for the Digital Age. International Journal of Instructional Technology and Distance Learning, Retrieved January 26, 2009.
The Impact of Social Media on Learninghttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=grI_h88vs3g&feature=PlayList&p=3E43054A8703F57A&index=3 Retrieved January10, 2009.
The Network is the Learning http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rpbkdeyFxZw&feature=PlayList&p=3E43054A8703F57A&index=4 Retrieved January 26, 2009.